February 25, 2011
Chantepie, France
Do you ever have the feeling that things just work out perfectly, as if someone has aligned everything just to surprise you or assure you of something? I have, a lot. And I know that it’s God because those things don’t just happen. I just received an email saying that our covoiturage (carpool) to Paris Monday morning is cancelled because the guy isn’t going anymore. While searching rides and frantically sending messages to other drivers, I get a call from Lushuana. I was hesitating to tell her the problem because I didn’t want her to worry, but then she interrupted me and said “I have good news! My host mom is going to Paris on Monday morning and said we could ride with her for free!” I was so shocked. Immediately I told her what had just happened and she was equally as awed. We agreed to buy her host mom lunch in Paris and then discussed a few more details.
Not only that, but just a few days ago I received an email from an old friend from High School, Jocelyn Davis. Apparently she’s now living in Florence, Italy and wants us to come visit. She gave us details and advice on how to arrive, what to do and places to eat and stay! God is so good. I feel so much better about this whole voyage now that I have a ‘green light from God.’
whoooo Enjoy Florence :)